On October 5, the 2nd training workshop "Leadership for Action" was held for the leaders of the Central Indigenous Communities of Lomerío (CICOL), the Indigenous Forestry Association of Lomerío (AFIL) and the Intercommunity Forestry Committee of Velasco Province (COINFO).
The Bolivian Institute of Forest Research (IBIF) has initiated a process of organizational strengthening, to improve skills in the sustainable management of forest resources, in this sense all the steps were taken to make this event a great help to the leaders.
"We are sharing our experiences of daily life, this workshop is interesting to systematize our activities," said Paulino Parapino, Chief of the CICOL.


On October 5, the 2nd "Leadership for action" training workshop was held for leaders, from the Indigenous Community Center of Lomerío (CICOL) to the Indigenous Forestry Association of Lomerío (AFIL) and to the Inter-communal Forestry Committee of the Velasco Province (COINFO)
The Bolivian Institute of Forestry Research (IBIF) has initiated a process of organizational strengthening, to improve skills in the sustainable management of forest resources, in this sense all efforts were made to make this event a great help to the leaders .
"We are sharing our experiences of daily living, this workshop is interesting to systematize our activities" said Paulino Parapino, Cacique of CICOL.

