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Mostrando 106-126 of 143 Libros
Explaining biomass growth of tropical canopy trees: the importance of sapwood.
Publicaciones Científicas
Amazonian Dark Earth Shapes the Understory Plant Community in a Bolivian Forest.
Publicaciones Científicas
D.3.1.4: Identifying options for integrating biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation: A multi-scale perspective.
Publicaciones Científicas
Trayectorias de crecimiento radial de especies maderables, yesquero blanco (Cariniana ianeirensis) y serebó (Schizolobium parahyba) en un bosque subhúmedo de...
Publicaciones Científicas
Where Tree Planting and Forest Expansion are Bad for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Publicaciones Científicas
Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions.
Publicaciones Científicas
Challenges and opportunities for the Bolivian Biodiversity Observation Network.
Publicaciones Científicas
Effects of Amazonian Dark Earths on growth and leaf nutrient balance of tropical tree seedlings.
Publicaciones Científicas
Land- use intensification effects on functional properties in tropical plant communities.
Publicaciones Científicas
Amazon forest response to repeated droughts: Amazon forest response to droughts.
Publicaciones Científicas
Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models.
Publicaciones Científicas
Evolutionary heritage influences Amazon tree ecology Museo de Historia Natural.
Publicaciones Científicas
Carbon recovery dynamics following disturbance by selective logging in Amazonian forests .
Publicaciones Científicas
Old-growth Neotropical forests are shifting in species and trait composition.
Publicaciones Científicas
Carbon uptake by mature Amazon forests has mitigated Amazon nations’ carbon emissions.
Publicaciones Científicas
Biodiversity and climate determine the functioning of Neotropical forests.
Publicaciones Científicas