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Mostrando 64-84 of 143 Libros
The trait contribution to wood decomposition rates of 15 Neotropical tree species
Publicaciones Científicas
Long-distance Dispersal of Invasive Grasses by Logging Vehicles in a Tropical Dry Forest
Publicaciones Científicas
Tissue-level leaf toughness, but not lamina thickness, predicts sapling leaf lifespan and shade tolerance of tropical tree species
Publicaciones Científicas
Resprouting as a persistence strategy of tropical forest trees: relations with carbohydrate storage and shade tolerance
Publicaciones Científicas
Los anillos de crecimiento de Centrolobium microchaete (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae), una herramienta para evaluar el manejo forestal de los bosques secos...
Publicaciones Científicas
Leaf economics traits predict litter decomposition of tropical plants and differ among land use types
Publicaciones Científicas
Ecological differentiation in xylem cavitation resistance is associated with stem and leaf structural traits
Publicaciones Científicas
Climate is a stronger driver of tree and forest growth rates than soil and disturbance
Publicaciones Científicas
Distribution patterns of tropical woody species in response to climatic and edaphic gradients
Publicaciones Científicas
Patterns and Determinants of Floristic Variation across Lowland Forests of Bolivia
Publicaciones Científicas
Grass-dominated vegetation, not species-diverse natural savanna, replaces degraded tropical forests on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin
Publicaciones Científicas
Grass-dominated vegetation, not species-diverse natural savanna, replaces degraded tropical forests on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin
Publicaciones Científicas