In the municipality of Ascensión de Guarayos, in the hall of the Guarayos Cattlemen's Association, on October 30th, the workshop "Road to Inclusive Business Alliances in the Forestry Sector" was held, organized by the Bolivian Institute of Forestry Research (IBIF) and the Indigenous Forestry Association of Guarayos (AFIG).
This event was characterized by the presence of the different actors that make up the wood production chain, such as the community forestry organizations (CBOs) of the Guarayos TCO, the Indigenous Forestry Association of Lomerío (AFIL), indigenous organizations from Santa Cruz and northern La Paz, such as CIDOB, COPNAG, CICOL, CICC, CIPTA, auxiliary agents, and the private sector, represented mainly by the Association of Carpenter Artisans of Santa Cruz and the company SOBOLMA Ltda.
There were also representatives from government entities, such as the Departmental Director of the Authority for Social Control and Monitoring of Forests and Land "ABT", responsible for the UOBT- Guarayos, and Head of the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit of the General Directorate of Forest Management and Development (DGGDF - Vice Ministry of Environment).
The workshop was given by Charlotte Benneker, Consultant of Tropenbos International; with the support of Marlene Soriano and Olga Cabrera, Program Director and Consultant of IBIF.
Itinerary of the activity
The dynamics of the workshop was first to exchange experiences and analyze the current participation and perspectives of involvement of different groups of forest actors in the production, processing and marketing of wood. In the afternoon, we set the objectives of proposing and prioritizing solutions to improve the commercial relationship between communities and the private sector.
Edgar Poquiviqui, Head of the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit, expressed his satisfaction at seeing an entire sector integrated, listening to their own voices of indigenous peoples, communities, and the professionals who help in the management for the development of management plans. The authority noted that they are seeking to join forces to bring the sector out into the open.
Nicolás Fessi, head of forestry for the Tacana People's Indigenous Council (CIPTA), expressed his gratitude for the invitation to the workshop, an event that allowed him to identify their weaknesses, strengths, and threats as forestry organizations.
Highlights of the event
"I find it interesting that this workshop is attended by the ABT, national authorities, the Santa Cruz Forestry School, these are authorities that will help us better design where we should project ourselves," said Nicolás Fessi, CIPTA's forestry manager.
An opinion that encourages us to continue with the same work
Estanislao Gonzales, president of the Association of Carpenter Artisans of Santa Cruz said: "We congratulate "IBIF" for the organization of this workshop because we could know the problems that the wood production sector is going through, we also make known the problems that we carpenters go through to acquire the wood, we hope that in time we can give strategic alliances for marketing, because we are going with some contacts thanks to the workshop.

[:en]In the municipality of Ascension of Guarayos, in the Hall ofthe Association of Cattlemen of Guarayos, this 30 of Octoberwas carried out the workshop "Road towards alliances forthe inclusive businesses in the forestry sector" organized bythe Bolivian Institute of Investigation Forest (IBIF) and theGuarayos Indigenous Forestry Association (AFIG). This event was characterized by the presence of the differentactors that make up the timber production chain, such asthe Community Forestry organizations (OFC) of the GuarayosTCO, the Lomerío Indigenous Forestry Association (AFIL),Indigenous organizations of Santa Cruz and north of La Pazsuch as CIDOB, COPNAG, CICOL, CICC, CIPTA, ancillaryagents, and the private sector, represented mainly by theAssociation of Artisans Carpenters of Santa Cruz and thecompany SOBOLMA LTDA. Representatives of government entities were also present,such as the departmental Director of the control and LandManagement Authority "ABT", responsible for the UOBT-Guarayos, and head of the Conservation and BiodiversityUnit of the Directorate-General of Forestry management andDevelopment (DGGDF – Vice Ministry of Environment). The workshop was taught by Charlotte Benneker, Tropenbosinternational consultant; With the support of MarleneSoriano and Olga Cabrera, director of the program andconsultant of IBIF. Activity itinerary The dynamics of the workshop were in the first instance toexchange experiences and analyze the current participationand perspectives of involvement of the different groups offorest actors in the production, processing andcommercialization of wood. In the afternoon, we set theobjectives of raising and prioritizing solutions to improve thecommercial relationship between communities and theprivate sector. Edgar Poquiviqui, head of the Conservation and BiodiversityUnit, expressed his satisfaction at seeing an entire integratedsector, listening to his own voices from indigenous peoples,communities, and professionals who help in managing thedevelopment of plans for Management. The authorityremarked that they are seeking to join forces to get thesector afloat. Nicolás Fessi, forestry officer of the Indigenous Council ofthe Pueblo TACAA (CIPTA), expressed his gratitude for theinvitation to the workshop, an event that allowed him toidentify his weaknesses, strengths, threats as forestryorganizations. Outstanding phrase of the event "I find it interesting that in this workshop are ABT, nationalauthorities, the College of Forestry engineers Santa Cruz,these are authorities that will help to design better where weproject," highlighted Nicolás Fessi, forestry manager of theCIPTA. An opinion that encourages to continue the same work Estanislao Gonzales, President of the Association of ArtisansCarpenters of Santa Cruz said: "We congratulate" IBIF "forthe organization of this workshop and we could know theproblems that goes through the wood producing sector, wealso know the Problematic that we spent the carpenters toacquire the wood, we hope over time we can give strategicmarketing alliances, since we go with some contacts thanksto the workshop. "